I'm pregnant with my second child and I have to admit my pregnancy cravings this time around have been quite bizarre. With my first, I craved very healthy Japanese food and fruit. I love spicy foods and could not stand a tiny bit of spice with my first. Now with my second, I'd like to have a side of habanero peppers with each meal and a cold glass of Pepsi. Huh? I normally can't stand soda, the fizz really hurts my throat. In my current condition, I could down 12 ounces of cold Pepsi without even pausing for a breath. I also do not particularly enjoy chips when I'm not pregnant. I've gotten very familiar with the chip aisle as of late. Did you know they now make Flamin' Hot Lays-AWESOME! I thought it would be nice and funny to journal my latest cravings or meals since I don't scrapbook. So if I'm good about posting, there will be several bizarre food postings from a very pregnant blogger.
Today's lunch:

Doused with

The lunch of pregnant champions!
YUM Meter: ** :P
1 comment:
hey moon-ja,
you were pregnant...that's awesome and congrats. I wanted to read your other blog but it's only by invite =(
well hope all is going well with you.
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